Author Archives: azizabdullayev

About azizabdullayev

My name is Aziz . I'm a senior at Baruch majoring in Accounting at the moment ,however if i don't meet the requirements for the accounting department I will probably change my major to Finance.The reason i'm taking this course is because my minor is IT and Social Responsibility .I've been at Baruch since fall 2010,transfered from KCC with CIS major . After this term hopefully I will have about 10 course left. I can't wait to graduate. My goal is become a CPA . I'm currently working full time that is why when I ACC3202 professor told me that there is online course this summer for my minor I could not miss it ,So here I am .Basically I'm easy going person but not very talkative,I love soccer I've been playing since I was very 12 .I'm also a die hard fan i watch almost every big game and almost go to the stadium when my favorite team Man Utd comes US.In my spare time I like working on cars in a backyard .

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are very important in today’s new media today. There are also alot of issues associated with it. Social networking is a part of new media that is interconnected with these issues .Networking sites like Myspace and Facebook … Continue reading

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P2P file sharing

File sharing is sharing of data in a network .File sharing via network allows a number of people to use the same file or file by some combination of being able to read or view it, write to or modify … Continue reading

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According to the article , people tweet their ideas on twitter. These days many people check their employers and employees tweets so that they can make changes within the company. These changes help everyone create new ideas which improve … Continue reading

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Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual World can be used in many different ways. But mostly we can use in gaming, education and trainings. Many companies are doing their trainings with the use of virtual world so that employees are much enthusiastic towards their work … Continue reading

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Blog about Twitter

Basically twitter and blackboard are both used  for a online conversation.However there is a few differences between them .For instance on tweeter you are only allowed to type 140 characters (which a hate about it) But I guess that force … Continue reading

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Social Networking

Nowadays social networking has been increasingly used in personal and corporate levels.Users can benefit from networking site like , it makes individuals better off as a society and as an individuals. According to the Nicole Ellison  assistant professor of  … Continue reading

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Blogs vs Wiki’s

  A blog can be compared to a journal but only in online web based  version . The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” Blogs are can be  updated daily … Continue reading

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Social Networking: Better or worse than the real thing?

Social networking had a huge impact on the world we live in.It has been growing day by day .Millions of people use social networking across the globe.Networking site like facebook been growing with the tremendous speed.If I’m not mistaken Facebook … Continue reading

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About me

Hello everyone !!! My name is Aziz . I’m a senior at Baruch majoring in Accounting at the moment ,however if i don’t meet the requirements for the accounting department I will probably change my major to Finance.The reason i’m … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to! This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you … Continue reading

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