Blog about Twitter

Basically twitter and blackboard are both used  for a online conversation.However there is a few differences between them .For instance on tweeter you are only allowed to type 140 characters (which a hate about it) But I guess that force people to be creative with their words.On the other hand blackboard has no limit ,you can type as much as you wish and is more private in terms that your article being available  only to  your classmates as opposed to twitter that is open to the public. Another difference is that  Twitter is very useful in the fact that you can add tags and search for topics that interest you, while you can not do that on blackboard . Moreover twitter is way  faster than blackboard .On the twitter you do not have to go through numerous of steps like looking up your class ,discussion board and etc. 

I also think that blackboard and tweeter discussions can not really be compared to in class discussion.First of all in in-class discussion you have conversation face to face you get the passionate :). You can emphasize words by doing so you help your classmates understand the your point. Second of all in in-class discussion you improve speed of your thinking because you don’t have a time to go grab a beer to  help you think what  your response be to the discussion.

As for me I think I would prefer online discussion as I like to take my time and think through careful every word I say .Moreover I enjoy taking breaks in between 😉 .

About azizabdullayev

My name is Aziz . I'm a senior at Baruch majoring in Accounting at the moment ,however if i don't meet the requirements for the accounting department I will probably change my major to Finance.The reason i'm taking this course is because my minor is IT and Social Responsibility .I've been at Baruch since fall 2010,transfered from KCC with CIS major . After this term hopefully I will have about 10 course left. I can't wait to graduate. My goal is become a CPA . I'm currently working full time that is why when I ACC3202 professor told me that there is online course this summer for my minor I could not miss it ,So here I am .Basically I'm easy going person but not very talkative,I love soccer I've been playing since I was very 12 .I'm also a die hard fan i watch almost every big game and almost go to the stadium when my favorite team Man Utd comes US.In my spare time I like working on cars in a backyard .
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